New York Mets Episode ’11: The Nats Strike Back

As you’re likely aware, the Mets had Star Wars night last night to celebrate the release of the 6-part series on Blu-Ray.  They did a very good job with it, considering they only announced it a week or two ago.  I started a hashtag on Twitter yesterday called #MetsStarWarsQuotes, and I’ll mix in some of the funny ones between the pictures below.  Also check out Mediagoon’s coverage on the event over at Metspolice today. 

The free T-shirt pick up was in the bullpen plaza, so that’s where I headed first.  The Star Wars guys were doing a costume contest with kids, and were there when I arrived with Mr. Met. 

Aren't you a little short to be a relief pitcher? #MetsStarWarsQuotes

More after the break.

The VW high-five cam.

"The force is with you young Harvey, but you are not a Met yet." #MetsStarWarsQuotes


The new and improved Kiss Cam

Bobby Parnell: Hokey screwballs and ancient knuckleballs are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid. #MetsStarWarsQuotes
Darth Vader tossing t-shirts to the crowd.  How evil..
"Citizen's Bank park. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." #MetsStarWarsQuotes


Here’s Mr. Mets and Darth Vader with the winner of the costume contest.

You will go to the Binghamton system. There you will learn from Wally. #MetsStarWarsQuotes

Other things:  They occasionally played Star Wars clips for hits/strikeouts.  

They occasionally played some Star Wars music while the pitcher was warming up between innings. 

There were two R.A. Dickey Star Wars scenes.  I’ll leave those to Mediagoon because I think he got better video of it than me.  In one, Dickey tries to convince Darth Vader to join him, and in the other he berates some Storm Troopers.

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