I haven’t been a Giants fan long, but it’s nice to see a team I root for show some modicum of success. Watching Eli Manning play this year has been a joy.
I’m not going to attempt to break down football strategy here. I’m not qualified for that. I do think the Giants will win this game though. Eli Manning is awesome, and he’s got the receivers he needs to score on any defense as well as the talent to still make plays when the offensive line is failing in front of him. That’s without even mentioning his Carlos Beltranesque clutchiness.
On the defensive side it seems like the Giants have finally managed to stay healthy long enough that their very talented players have gotten in the practice time to be good again. I think getting two strong games under their belt did wonders for their confidence too.
Either way I’m glad the Giants avoided the “Should we fire Tom Coughlin?” and other associated offseason drama that happens with teams that fail. (See A. Mets, B. Jets)