(You can follow me on Twitter too!) Sandy is doing a live webcast on Monday, so if there is still a question you’d like to see answered, go ask it!
As a representative of the optimistic fan base, or what still exists of it, I asked a suitably optimistic question of Sandy: “You’ve mentioned being somewhat restricted in what you can spend this offseason, but if things go well and the Mets are in contention around the All-Star Break, what type of flexibility do you have to add a player or two to improve the club and keep them there?”
His response was positive. He didn’t laugh at the idea of the Mets being in contention or talk about focusing on the future. He said that that is the position they want to be in, and he would have to ability to add the pieces they need. He also suggested that if the Mets were in that position he would expect the attendance to reflect that.
In essence, he’s going to do the best he can to put the best team on the field and he hopes we’ll be prompted to go out and enjoy the games. He ended the call saying we should do this again, and the entire experience left me feeling good about the Mets, and anxious for the season.
I’ll try to update this post with links to other write-ups as I see them, although you should know where to look by now. Mets Merized Online wins the award for speed, at least of what I’ve seen.
Very good transcript at Amazin’ Avenue